Activate Life Skills


Life SkillsLet them be involved in their day to day routine. Provide meaning. Let them touch activities that were a part of their past. This will provide them with a sense of self worth and add to their "Quality of Life"You may want to drive around in the spring and summer to the many garage sales, thrift shops and rummage sales. Look for items from their past. Old girdles always spark a smile, along with old time irons and products from their past. Let them show you how the products were used. For example, old aprons, are something the generation from the 40's, 50's and 60's used. But not necessarily used in the 90's.Folding Laundry: It does not matter if its done right, only the act itself.Cooking: Helping you in the kitchen. Have a cabinet for them to put groceries away.

Stuffing Envelopes
Washing Their Face and Hands
Putting on Make up
Buttoning Clothes
Sewing Cards and Rolling Yarn
Polishing Silver:
Use a little cooking oil instead of polish.
Folding Napkins, Setting the Table.
Clearing the Table
Watering Plants
Making the Bed and Putting Clothes Away
Polishing Silver
Sorting a Tray of Silverware
Brushing the Animals
Walking the Animals
Provide a Feather Duster
Provide with a Spray Bottle with Water and a Dusting Rag
Making their Beds
Organizing and Cleaning Purses and Wallets:
These are comfort items.
Sorting and Cleaning Jewelry Boxes
Cleaning Out a Drawer
Making No Bake Recipes:
For Example: Fruit Salad, Peanut Butter on Apples/ Crackers
Make Potpourri
Pick Flowers and Press Into a Book
Clean Out a Drawer